A cut from my new novel, Deepfake – the sequel to Datapocalypse. Felt a little essay-ish. Something I was trying to avoid after so much of it in Book I. Makes for an interesting blog post though, with the right context. This scene describes Kicis...

In college I slept with the drug dealer. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Months into the affair, she told me she loved me. I ignored it. Cupid's arrow was too dull for my armour. I ran from her arms, but continued...

A kind hello to all the new subscribers to this newsletter and thank you to all those who've stuck around over the last year!I'm going to start off with something simple, a confession: I'm horrible with social media. I'm bad with liking, disliking, commenting, boosting. hosting,...

https://youtu.be/GGXRKsRavRc Although many of us will be celebrating St. Patty's Day indoors this year (dubbed St. Padlock's Day for any sadists out there), I want to quickly talk about Deepfake: the continuation of Datapocalypse.  I toiled through the Canadian winter, locked in by snow and viruses, nearly...

A social mind in an antisocial place A social place with an antisocial face I'm new to this place, this place without a face It's cold and I'm getting old Not lesser determined, not lesser bold But in need of a friend Let's hold hands till the end This season of life...

Libraries Rock! That may not be the most appealing statement among those trying to make money selling books, but there's more to it than that. There's saving trees, saving ink, and test driving a book before buying it. That last one must surely irk large publishers....

A friend says to another, "Friend, you look a little stressed. What gives?" The friend replies, "I am a little stressed. My responsibilities never end. I'm always busy and can't seem to grab a free moment for myself anymore. I sometimes wonder if it's...

"In a world that rewards aptitude and alertness amongst its citizens, its employees, COFFEE IS KING! Perhaps someday that will change when psychedelics reign but we'll see." ...

I was touring Europe and found that too many people held up smartphones and cameras in front of their eyes that not only blocked our view of Italy and Greece’s wondrous sites, but also got me thinking about the state technology and the rabid photo-seeking...

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